Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System! [BL]

Chapter 221 - 8.28

"G—General, royal armies are wanting to meet you and Altair Roderick."

Altair and General Vega stared at each other, having an ominous feeling. General Vega asked, "What do they want?"

"They want you to hand them, Altair Roderick. He shall be arrested. That\'s what they said, General," the soldier outside said.

Altair\'s face paled. He was not scared of bunch of B ranked guards, he could kill them in one snap, but he was scared that they would harm General Vega and other soldiers. The royal guards were well known to be coercive and often used their immunity from the king or prince to do whatever they wanted. 

"G—General, I will hand myself to them. I don\'t want you to get hurt," Altair said. 

"What are you saying?!" General Vega grabbed Altair\'s hand and assured him, "You protected me when I was about to get killed, and I will protect you as well!"

General Vega stood from the bed, holding Altair\'s hand and dragged him out of the room together. He opened the door and rushed outside with Altair. 

The courtyard was already filled with at least thirty royal guards with their weapons. They pointed their guns toward Altair and General Vega when they came out. The chief of the royal guard said first, "General Vega Satellarnus, hand Altair Roderick to us. He has been sentenced to death if he refuses to marry His Highness, Prince Rigel."                                           

"And why is that? Why does Prince Rigel want to marry my alpha?"

"Don\'t speak nonsense, General. Altair Roderick is the fated pair of Prince Rigel, he had marked him, and now he is responsible for marrying him. General Vega, you are hindering a royal task. This is punishable by death!"

General Vega stared coldly at the man, and he scoffed, "Tell your prince that Altair Roderick is my alpha. We are a fated pair. And Altair hadn\'t marked your prince at all. Because if he did, I would die out of heart attack, as all you know about true fated pair. Besides, did your prince showed you his love mark from Altair? If not, then he is lying, and you are just following order without a second thought."

  The chief of royal guard was silenced for a moment. He came up with another undeniable verdict, "Altair Roderick had also  killed five royal guards and injured many."

"Tell me then, why did he injure them all? It is an act of self defense because you guys attacked him first under your Prince order, right?" General Vega rebuked, "I do not have a grudge against him or the royal guard. In fact, I have deep faith and respect with His Majesty King. But I will not stand for injustice."

"General…" Altair stared at General Vega with wonder in his eyes. He never expected General Vega would defend him like this. General Vega did not lie about his love at all.

And it gave him reassurement.

The chief royal guards raised his gun towards General Vega. HE threatened, "General, are you trying to defy the order of Prince Rigel? This is an act of treason and is punishable by death."

General Vega scoffed. He raised his chin arrogantly and replied, "Go on, try to shoot me. One of my arms may be broken right now, but I can fight all of you with only one hand."

Provoked, the chief took a deep breath and shot towards General Vega direction. 

Altair was about to shield General Vega with his body, but General Vega pushed him away and deflected the bullet easily by flicking it with his finger. 

Everyone was shocked by this. They didn\'t expect General could do that. The chief raised his hand and commanded, "Soldiers, at your position!"

All royal guards pointed their gun towards General Vega, "This is the last warning, General!"

General Vega scoffed as he looked at those primitive rifles, "Look around you."

The royal guards looked around and saw the military soldiers already pointed their guns at them. They had been surrounded by battle-hardened soldiers who were ready to kill them under the order of General Vega.

The chief was shocked. He didn\'t expect the whole troops under General Vega, who were well known to be vicious and powerful, actually followed his general and defected against Prince Rigel\'s order.

"T—This… General Vega, you\'ve threatened the royal guards! You are guilty and will be killed as punishment!"

General Vega smiled thin, "Look outside the gate."

The chief looked outside the gate and saw the crown of Sweren citizens with their weapons ready to attack the royal guards. The chief and the royal guards were scared at this, "G—General, what is this? What did you say to them?"

General Vega scoffed and replied after holding Altair\'s hand again, "I just told them that I and Altair Roderick are the strongest man in the galaxy for now. I\'ve publicly confessed to my soldiers and Sweren citizens that I am an Omega that cannot get in heat unless I met my fated pair."

"Naturally, since we are fighting against the primitive Zergs, we also tend to be more primitive than we should be. So I told them, as the strongest human in the galaxy, the royal family will try to sabotage us, especially Prince Rigel. He will try to separate me from my fated alpha for his own gain."

"And you guys had proven it to them, just now."

The chief was scared when the crowds started yelling at them. Cursing them because the capital never sent any aid or budget development for Sweren. Even though Sweren was the main place for mining the kingdom natural resources.

\'We don\'t need those greedy royals!\'

\'They never help us! They only take our natural resource and come only when the mine is about to get invaded!\'

\'Bunch of greedy royals! Die!\'

After being pressed by so much threat, the chief finally retreated with his soldiers and run away from Sweren, "D—Don\'t think we will let you off, General! I shall report this to His Majesty and Prince Rigel! Bunch of treasonous bastards!"

They flew away from the courtyard, leaving Altair stunned. 

He looked at General Vega and asked, "What did you do to Sweren people?"

General Vega gave him a side glance and replied with a smile, "It\'s quite simple and primitive. The people in Sweren has been displeased by poverty and how unfair the capital city treated them. They took Sweren\'s amazing natural resource, but everything is invested in the royal family and the capital city. Of course, I took their pent up frustration and promised them great protection from the Zergs. On top of that…"

General Vega kissed Altair, who had the same height as him, and continued, "Actually, I\'ve been thinking about this myself, but don\'t you think… that you are better as a king rather than General? We can fight together, as a Powerful King and… King."

[Pupa: Ding! Breakmeter increases to 60%.]

[Wow, I\'m so damn cool here!]


Prince Rigel screamed frantically when he got the report from the royal guard chief. He didn\'t expect everything to turn like this.

He couldn\'t rely on his dying King Father because the power shift will happen soon, with his father almost at his end after ruling for so long.

The power shift will happen soon, and if he couldn\'t get himself someone as strong as Altair Roderick, then the throne would be taken away because he was just a weak omega.

Because he had injected himself with General Vega\'s pheromone, he couldn\'t pick another SSS alpha. He had also been bound with that bastard alpha.

Prince Rigel\'s gaze deepened and gave out an order:

"Prepare for our soldier. We shall conquer Sweren soon. That bastard General must die."

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