The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 118 - Carole.

Yang Dao stood in the elevator, with a somber expression on his face. He quickly took a step back. Suddenly the feeling vanished. The elevator reached the ground floor and Yang Dao got out. He calmly walked out. He took out his mobile and typed a message to Laohu Bai.

The message was a combination of 1s and 0s. It was a code he learned in the Military training. This sort of code language was very all over the world but was taught to every cadet so that if they receive a distress signal so that they could provide aid if needed.

After sending the message he walked around the building and his doubt was confirmed. Someone was following him. The reason he came down was to drive his car out and go to meet Kiya. She invited him out in the evening. He found that he will not be able to complete his commitment. He took out his phone and called her.

The call was connected, a sweet voice sounded, "Hello, Dao, I am just getting ready. Did you reach already?"

Yang Dao replied, "Wait, you take your time. Can we change the meeting place? How about you come to my place? We can have dinner here. I will cook for you."

Kiya replied, "What happened? You changed it all of a sudden."

Yang Dao said, "Due to that Drake issue, Sister Yun said not to go out for a few days. Seems like Mr. Langford is hating me." his tone was helpless. 

Kiya sighed and then said, "Okay, then we can postpone it. Going to your house is bad when I invited you for an outing."

As he walked to a secluded place, the boy promised her that they will go out after the debate competition. Kiya accepted it and the call was disconnected. Suddenly, Yang Dao turned around and his hand was stretched out. His left hand held his gun and he squeezed the trigger.


The gun was compensated, two bullets flew off and penetrated the chest and head of a man. The man stood there with his eyes wide open. After a few minutes, he fell to the ground, dead. This man held a knife in his hand. Thinking that Yang Dao was indulged in the phone call, he took a shot, but how would he have known that the boy was monitoring the whole situation with his air perception.

The man held a weird weapon in his hand. He wore a community staff uniform. Yang Dao walked around the community and led this guy ahead. He killed the man to save himself. But he was irritated. What if this person would have acted when he was out with Kiya? What if anyone else was inflicted because of him. 

He waited for a few minutes. Ryu Jinshi appeared in front of him. Yang Dao gave him an indifferent look as he said, "Mister Ryu, stop holding yourself back. You can act freely, just don\'t affect the innocent in this. Also, clean up the city, please. I will handle the rest."

Then he turned and walked back home. Earlier in the text to Laohu Bai, he had called Ryu Jinshi to his side. He did not want to humiliate the man by stating the reason. He entered the house and said, "Sister Bai, can you arrange for two active special forces troops to guard the orphanage?"

Laohu Bai was surprised but she replied, "Consider it done, Young Master."

The boy glanced at Feng Yun and said, "Sister Yun, I guess you stop me from joining the Assassination Organization, is because you are afraid that something bad might happen?" his voice was calm and solid. 

The lady nodded, as she sighed. She knew that she was being a bit too protective of him. But what can she do? She had her protective instincts kick in as soon it was Yang Dao. The boy spoke again, "Give me 1.1 million crypto coins? I will return them to you."

Feng Yun shook her head and said, "Everything, I have from my body and soul to my assets and money. They are all yours Young Master. You don\'t have to ask me, but tell me."

Yang Dao did not know how to reply and said, "Come with me." and pull Feng Yun by her hand to the study. He sat down in front of his PC and showed her how he invaded the closed net of the Crypto Nation. He logged into the assassination guild site on Jewel Nation closed net, searched that a contract was put against him. 

He did not hack in or something. Just simply placed a contract on Mr. Langford, the price difference was just ten thousand dollars. It may look like it was nothing much. But this amount was enough for the local killers to raise a storm for Mr. Langford. 

Yang Dao\'s action made Feng Yun happy. The young master finally started to deal ack with people in kind. Just like how Dao would be. After a few minutes, someone accepted the task. 

The two people were sitting in front of the PC when they heard a piece of urgent news. Crypto nation asked for the world to help them with a hacker who invaded their CPB office, to be put on the wanted list. The boy smiled as he said, "In your dreams."

He went out of the study, had dinner with Feng Yun and Laohu Bai. The girls left in the morning, leaving Laohu Bai handed him two silver-colored hard ballers. These guns were very light and were made of Carbonium. They were very sturdy and high-end weapons. Yang Dao accepted them and stored them in his vault. 

The next five days were occupied by teaching Lisa, Coding with Kylie Dew, debugging Icarus and Ray\'s software. Also, preparing for the debate. On the fifth night of his off. He cooked a meal by himself and invited Kylie Dew, Icarus, Ray, and Kiya home. The occasion was the completion of the driving assistant Beta model and the Mobile OS assistant. 

At first, Lisa was shy but during these few days she opened up to Yang Dao. She also showed great potential while Yang Dao taught her. She was very good with her math and analytics. Six people ate a hearty dinner and parted. Kylie Dew was about to stay behind with Yang Dao have a good time with him, but her wishes were interrupted by Kiya who held his hand and pecked his cheek before fleeting away like a swallow out of the cage. 

Yang Dao did allow her to be friends but nothing more and they were not too close to comment on each other\'s actions. She left after a sigh and a light hug. Yang Dao wiped off some non-existent sweat on his forehead as he closed the door. He did not expect Kiya to give him a peck and that it would act as a shield and ward off Kylie Dew. 

He helped Lisa to clean the place and then went off to bed. The next morning, he woke up early and after a wash, he glanced at his notes. He took a shower, dressed formally, according to the event today. Then picked up his essentials and walked out. He drove his car to the university. He was told by the principal to come to the college in the morning and then he will regroup with the team for the debate and then they will go to the venue.

When he reached the principal\'s office, he found a group of 5 people standing near the entrance. The principal was standing in front of them. Seemingly advising them about something. Yang Dao arrived and bowed to the principal. Aisslinn Jasper said, "Everyone, this is, Yang Dao. he will also be on your troupe. I hope you all co-operate well and have each other\'s back."

Then she turned to Yang Dao and said, "Mr. Feng, I will be expecting you in my office after the competition is done, to discuss your detention. You understand what I am talking about?"

Yang Dao slightly bowed and replied, "Yes, madam principal." 

Aislinn Jasper nodded, turned on her heel, and went inside her office. The five people introduced themselves. They were all students from the third to the fourth year. Yang Dao was the youngest. One of them was the former high table young master along with Mikhail. He stepped forward and said, "Welcome to the Debate group, student Dao."

Yang Dao shook his hand and the man told him his name, Shelby Cooper. The others also introduced themselves. The team had three boys and three girls including Yang Dao. They all headed to the parking where a commercial vehicle of the college was parked. The problem was that it could only take four people, the college assigned a driver for them. 

Yang Dao said, "It\'s okay, I drove my car today, I can follow behind you all."

Shelby Cooper said, "Well, let\'s do this. one ride with student dao and the rest in the college vehicle?"

The team nodded and a delicate-looking senior girl was selected after five rounds of stone paper scissors. The reason was to give everyone a fair chance. They knew Yang Dao\'s identity and everyone preferred riding a good car. 

The girl introduced herself with a calm tone, "Hello, my name is Carole Tepes."

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